Women’s Health & Maternity Care

JAMA: Wet Mount Microscopy (jpeg) – Image shows comparison of normal vaginal epithelial cells, clue cells, Candida, and Trichomonads under the microscope

2011 CDC Reference Sheet on Effectiveness of Contraception (pdf) – This quick reference figure demonstrates the comparative effectiveness of different forms of contraception.
Princeton Emergency Contraception reference (web site) – This quick reference table lists the different oral contraceptives on the US market which can also be used for emergency contraception, and their dosages.

Ovulatory Cycle
Ovulatory Cycle Summary (gif) – Image summarizes hormones and changes to the ovaries and endometrium throughout the ovulatory cycle.

Cervical Cancer Screening
Cervical Cancer & HPV Screening Guidelines (jpg) – 2012
ASCCP Updated Consensus Guidelines for Abnormal Pap Smear Results (pdf)

Prenatal Care
CDC Guidelines on Vaccine Safety During Pregnancy (web site)
VBAC Calculator (web site calculator) – Obtain  a % chance of a successful vaginal birth after c-section given a patient’s individual health characteristics and obstetrical history
IOM Guidelines for Weight Gain During Pregnancy Based on Pre-pregnancy BMI (jpg)
Medication/Drug/Herbal Safety During Pregnancy & Breast-feeding (pdfs) – The OTIS web site offers a series of fact sheets which summarize known research on the safety of drug/medication/herbal exposures during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Fact sheets available in English & Spanish

Postpartum Care
Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale (pdf) – 2page printable quiz and score sheet

Breast-feeding Resources
Breast-Feeding: Parent Guidelines for Expectations Re: Frequency of Feedings, Stools, and Tummy Size (pdf) – The first page of this pdf provides a fantastic visual for breast-feeding parents about how large an infant’s stomach size is and expected frequency of feedings and character/timing of stools and wet diapers in the first month of life
Medication/Drug/Herbal Safety During Pregnancy & Breast-feeding (pdfs) – The OTIS web site offers a series of fact sheets which summarize known research on the safety of drug/medication/herbal exposures during pregnancy and breast-feeding. Fact sheets available in English & Spanish


Reference Bookshelf
Oklahoma Department of Health: Wet Mount Procedure (pdf) – This pdf provides in-depth instructions on preparation of a wet mount and, if you scroll to the end, you’ll find sample microscopic images as well as a great table that summarizes pH findings of different disease processes on a wet mount
University of Florida Colposcopy Review (pdf) – Summarizes colposcopy techniques, normal and abnormal findings
Bedsider.org– “Bedsider is an online birth control support network for women 18-29 operated by The National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy, a private non-profit organization”. The site offers a compare/contrast guide to finding the right birth control method, an SMS service to use for birth control pill / appt reminders, and a FAQ page offering answers to common questions about different contraceptive methods.

Reference Videos
Examination of Vaginal Wet Preps Procedure Video (YouTube Video) – 14min video demonstrates how to perform and interpret a wet prep

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